The Certified Ethical Hacker (C|EHv10) certification program is
a trusted & respected ethical hacking certification program that any
information security professional will need.
Certified Ethical Hacker (C|EH) didn’t gain the reputation &
value it has by being easy to attain.
It’s challenging examination that tests more than just simple
It’s worth has elevated it as one of the top certifications a
technician can attain.
This certification actually means something to employers because
they know the effort it takes to attain it.
C|EH is used as a hiring standard & is a core sought after certification
by many of the Fortune 500 organizations, governments, cybersecurity practices,
& a cyber staple in education across many of the most prominent degree
programs in top universities around the globe.
Hundreds of thousands of InfoSec Professionals as well as career
Starter have challenged the exam & for those who passed, nearly all are
gainfully employed with successful careers, but then landscape is changing.
Cybersecurity as a profession is evolving, the barrier to entry
is rising, the demand for Skilled Cybersecurity Professionals continue to grow,
but it is being refined, demanding a higher level of skill & ability.
EC-Council raises the bar again for ethical hacking
certification programs with the all new C|EHv10.
This certification program in its 10th iteration, is
updated to provide you with the tools techniques used by hackers &
information security professionals alike to break into any computer systems.
This certification program will immerse you want a “Hacker
Mindset” in order to teach you how to think like a hacker & better defend
against future attacks.
It puts you in the driver’s seat with a hand-on training
environment employing a systematic ethical hacking process.
You are constantly exposed to creative techniques of achieving
information security posture in the target organization; by hacking it! You
will learn how to:
- ü Scan
- ü Test
- ü Hack
ü Secure target systems
The certification program covers the 5 Phases of Ethical
Hacking. They are:
- ü Reconnaissance
- ü Gaining Access
- ü Enumeration
- ü Maintaining Access
- ü Covering your Tracks
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